Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2007


om nia merican born of beats and bloodthe concert of the sun unplugged, i'm theom nia merican born of beats and bloodthe concert of the sun unpluggedo say can you - 20,000 negro leagues beneaththe sea foamed clouds laced with ink that stainswhen rains. makes books of trees at onceupon a dawn's early light, pawn bishop knightchildren of night, may queens take kindshereafter, thereafter the trickling sandsdemand that our decisions be timeless i'm theom nia merican born of beats and bloodthe concert of the sun unplugged, i'm theom nia merican born of beats and bloodthe concert of the sun unplugged, i'm theoffspring of spring reborn, pledged, andsworn - the risen ash of a flag burned andtorn, i'm the blood of the womb, the risentide of the moon, the dark side that the sun cannot hide, i'm the pages of historyread between the lines, the shining truthbehind your symbols and signs, i'm the sonof a minister, love a teacher, my mothertaught me well so i rebel, i'm the bell retolledyet a story untold, the hidden force behinda rock that was rolled. i'm the om niamerican born of beats and blood, the concertof the sun, unplugged, i'm the om nia merican born of beats and blood the concertof the sun unpluggedlift every voice and sing til earth and heaven ring—Saul Williams

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2007


she screamed—INAMORATA—the walls screamedthe people below screamedand long afterthe windsand graveyard rosescriedher tears had dried up

Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007

Greetings from Austin

This one comes by way of Tom: thanks for the article, I have composed a short litany for him:Tom is goodTom is greatTom is G-dTom is the inventor of the kung-fu gripAnd Tom now comes in two varieties:Liquid and Powder formLovely, eh?