Samstag, 18. August 2007

In a funk

It's raining. Pretty heavy, too. Rather cool, I can see my breath trailing out. I just fished two Kool cigarette remnants out of the ashtray and smoked them outside on the porch. There's straight lines of water slamming down on a small canister of roofing tar in the corner of the cast-metal wraparound. I'm slumped down on the concrete, against the whitewall. I haven't been able to really go to sleep, or sleep well, and have this migraine following me around. I'm going to make coffee soon. For now, I only want to wrap myself around a warm body. I could care less.

2 Kommentare:

haru02 hat gesagt…

Kool? That's a step up from Newport Menthols. Remember when we'd drag outside Clerc and watch the stars piss silver on the ground?

screamingveela hat gesagt…

Yeah. Those were the days, too. The EMG sculpture cries for your return inside its circle.